Women’s Day. Mini-Workshop “Stretching and Relaxation”

Date: 08.03.2023
Time: 13:30
Building: Star
Olivia Garden
Not writable
Free - for residents
for residents only

Women’s Day in Olivia | Women’s Day at Olivia
Stretching and Relaxation, or how to relax




Half an hour for body and spirit. You don’t need a sports outfit or a yoga mat. We will adapt the classes to your daily schedule.

  • Magda invites you to take a short break from work, stop and calm down.
  • During a 30-minute yoga practice, we will take care of your back, neck and nape.
  • We will take a deep breath and exhale together surrounded by the beautiful plants of Olivia Garden.


Sign up for this workshop and receive a gift from Olivia – an exotic cocktail with… a flower.
All you have to do is show the QR code of your ticket at the entrance to the workshop.


Workshop participants have a chance for an additional surprise 🙂


The number of places is limited.




Host: Magdalena Poborca

On a daily basis, he cooperates with Tri-City fitness clubs as a certified yoga, fitness and Animal Flow instructor. In addition to her activity in fitness clubs, she conducts and organizes: development workshops for women using tools from choreotherapy, dance/intuitive movement, art therapy, meditation, relaxation and aromatherapy; group and individual classes, as well as workshops and seminars on the Animal Flow training system. She takes care of the mobility of her charges, motivates them and infects them with positive energy. Working with people, on their form and discovering human potential gives her great joy, and at the same time motivates her to continuous personal development. In addition to her fascination with working with the human body, she is a lover and enthusiast of Nature, aromatherapy and natural ways to support her physical and mental health.











Max. Number of participants
Olivia Centre
Olivia's Communications Department
Email: komunikacja@oliviacentre.com
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