Workshop: LockLuck – an inspiring journey into the world of your own values

Date: 31.01.2024
Time: 15:00
CRT | Olivia Six
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

The Talent Development Centre
, which has its headquarters in Olivia Six, invites you to extraordinary workshops with the use of an innovative coaching game – LockLuck. Participation in the meeting is an inspiring journey into the world of your own values and hidden aspects of your self-esteem. It’s a space to think about how to meet your own needs and goals that are beneficial to you and at the same time don’t harm others.


During the workshops:

  • We will discover hidden beliefs: through deep neural networks and their interaction with graphics, participants will explore the recesses of their subconscious, discovering the negative messages of the inner critic.
  • We will focus on creative energy: LockLuck transforms negative beliefs into creative and supportive energy, allowing participants to focus on achieving their goals.
  • We will work on resolving internal conflicts: the game helps to identify internal conflicts and supports the process of resolving them in a harmonious way.
  • We will strengthen the power of internal dialogue: LockLuck adds a supportive voice to the internal dialogue, which helps build positive self-esteem and self-esteem.
  • We will focus on building an attitude of respect (towards oneself and others) and effective communication.


Experience the transformation of your self-esteem in an innovative, engaging, and inspiring way. Get along with your inner critic, discover the potential of your inner strength and start consciously managing your life!


The workshop will be conducted by a career counsellor: Beata Butkiewicz


Participation in the meeting is free of charge. Registration is required.


Sign up for the event



Max. Number of participants
Talent Development Center
Talent Development Center
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