
The Football League is back! Register your team!

We know you’ve been waiting for this!
We’re back from L
Olivia Centre.
We invite all football lovers to the games.
Gather your teams and participate!




Applications for participation in the league should be sent by September 27 to the following address: dzial.komunikacji@oliviacentre.com.  Here are some highlights.

  1. The games will be held from October 2024.
    by June 2025.
    A detailed schedule of the Games will be sent to the team captains no later than 7 days before the first official league match.
  2. The infrastructure of a year-round football hall will be available at ul. Hallera 16/18 in Gdansk and professional judges.
  3. Individual matches will be scheduled on Wednesdays – at 10:00 p.m.
    5.30 p.m. and on Fridays – at 17.30
    5.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m.
  4. A team must have a minimum of 5 players (four players in the field and a goalkeeper) and a maximum of 20.
  5. Cost of participation in the league: 2500 PLN.


Below are the current Regulations and Application Forms.


Regulamin_Liga Football Olivia Centre_2024-2025

Football zgloszenia_Liga Form Olivia_2024_2025

Form zgloszenia_Liga Football Olivia_2024_2025_sklad


See you on the pitch!

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