
Another summer on the patio is behind us! This time in automotive style!


Sun, music, ice cream, chillout.. These are the components of our Summer on the Patio. This time we also threw in the competitive aspect! The event caused a lot of emotions among our participants.


It was happening!


Santander Bank Polska and Santander Work Cafe provided us with a lot of excitement thanks to their F1 simulators, where participants could feel like real racing drivers.
Virtual tracks, speed and adrenaline made everyone feel like a master of the wheel.
The competitors competed with each other for the best times, and the atmosphere was full of sports rivalry. Congratulations to the winners with the best times!


Not only driving a car was in the spotlight – during the event, participants could also take part in the competition of assembling Lego bricks against the clock! It was a real test of dexterity and imagination, and the best constructors received special prizes!


The participants also had a chance to test their strength in car races on the Carrera track!
Here they could demonstrate their dexterity in precise steering of vehicles on bends.
An additional great fun was also the track to walk in alco-goggles!


Of course, everything was accompanied by music, ice cream, beautiful weather and 2 racing cars that you were eager to admire!


Thank you for having fun and participating together!
And we invite you to future events!
Details soon…


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