
Safety Day in Olivia | The Great Safety Day is behind us!

On 19 June, Safety Day II took place in Olivia – a unique event devoted to broadly understood safety. Participants had the opportunity to meet representatives of uniformed services, take part in demonstrations and expand their knowledge about various aspects of security.


The main attractions of the day:

  • Fire Brigade shows: Firefighters presented dynamic oil extinguishing, showing how dangerous it can be to extinguish grease with water and teaching proper techniques of dealing with fires. This point attracted the attention of many passers-by!
  • Crash and Rollover Simulators: The simulators allowed the participants to experience the effects of road accidents in controlled conditions. It was a great opportunity to understand how important it is to wear seat belts and obey road rules.
  • Forensic techniques: A police forensic technician demonstrated how evidence is collected at the scene of an incident or crime. Participants could see how forensic technicians work and what tools they use in their work.
  • Police Equipment: officers from the Road Traffic Department presented a marked police car and various devices used during everyday activities. It was a fascinating lesson for everyone, both young and old:)
  • First Aid Station: Demonstrations of first aid equipment were held on site. Participants were able to learn basic rescue procedures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). These skills can save someone’s life, which is why they were very popular.
  • Military Equipment Shows: There was also a stand with military equipment on site, where participants could see modern equipment and armament. It was a unique opportunity to take a close look at the technology used by the military and talk to experts about its applications.
  • Challenge Zone with City Fit:
    for lovers of physical activity, a special challenge zone was prepared run by City Fit, where participants could test their physical fitness


Of course, there was also great music and delicious food. DJ Van Klocek made the atmosphere more pleasant with great music tracks, and warm burgers straight from Zebra Burger and cooling ice cream from Icestands, as usual, were the success of the 🙂

WHAT AN EVENTFUL DAY! Thank you all for coming and see you next year:)

Photo: Maciej Roszkowski

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