We were visited by super kids! Those who want to do more and who have big hearts. Children who sold lemonade, homemade jewelry, walked their dogs to earn some money for holidays, or to help animals in a shelter… Their creativity, ingenuity and hearts have been noticed and appreciated. Grzegorz Neumann from the Municipal Police Headquarters in Gdańsk organized a mega day for them. We could also participate in this day and make it one of the best holiday days, at least we hope so.
There was pizza and lemonade on the 32nd floor of Olivia Star, there were workshops on entrepreneurship and creating a business plan, there were gifts and there were also – this time for us and our Residents – fantastic gifts from the kids: delicious lemonade and beautiful bracelets, the work of ten-year-old Julia.
Thank you and we are very happy that we could join this campaign. We are full of admiration for Zuzia, Wiki, Kacper, Julia and the volunteers working as part of the Youth Forum – AKTYWNI.
#RazemMozemyWiecej, together with: Hotel Admirał, Żegluga Gdańska, Forum Gdańsk, City Fit, Speednet and Zdunek Group, which not only helped to organize the workshops, but also prepared prizes and other holiday attractions for children. In addition, food was also donated to the Promyk animal shelter!
Photos courtesy of Trojmiasto.pl, photo: Jacek Koślicki/Trojmiasto.pl. Thank you!