Share the warmth! Together for pets.

For the seventh time, Energa Obrót is organising the “Share the Heat” campaign. Of course, we are involved in it and we invite you to help. It has been known for a long time that only together we can do more! Pets – cats and dogs – need very specific help. Please read what we collect for the children under our care Pomeranian Foundation Brothers Minor and Foundation for Puppies Judyta, Tri-City Branch. We received letters from those organizations that indicated the greatest of the largest needs.



Olivia Prime B | February 17 – March 2






  • Brit Monoprotein wet food with rabbit
  • Mleko dla szczeniąt Royal Canin Babydog Milk
  • Baltica Adult Senior dry food
  • Beef rumen
  • Beef ears
  • Pork ears
  • Lungs



  • Floor cleaners
  • Washing powders
  • Fabric softeners
  • Dishwasher tablets
  • Latex gloves in various sizes
  • Paper towels
  • Cloths/scourers
  • Cloths/cloths





  • high-meat wet food (e.g. Gourmet Gold, Smilla, Dolina Noteci, Bozita, Winston Bio, Rafi czarna, Coshida Pure Taste, Maxi Natural, Brit)



  • Blankets
  • Duvet covers
  • Towels
  • Messages
  • Kitten accessories
  • Litter: any type
  • Toys for cats
  • Scratching posts



  • Dish soaps
  • Disinfectants
  • Paper towels
  • Dishwasher tablets





Animals have been with us since the dawn of time. By domesticating the animal, man has thus assumed responsibility for its fate. The goal of the Pomeranian Brothers Minor Foundation is to completely eliminate animal homelessness through educational activities, legislative changes and support for people working for animals. We spread the idea of respecting the right to a dignified life of animals alongside man.


– Since 2017, we have been fighting against animal homelessness, mainly cats, in the Tri-City and the surrounding area. We catch animals for castration to reduce the percentage of homelessness. We treat, socialize, love and look for new homes for our charges. Often, cats after traffic accidents, chronically ill or extremely exhausted end up under our wings. About 180 cats are waiting for a better life in our cat houses.” – says Ania from the Foundation. The Pomeranian Foundation of Friars Minor runs two shelters where it socializes and prepares homeless cats for adoption.


We are the voice of those who do not have a voice – so join us – we are waiting for your support.


Brothers Minor Foundation on FB
Brothers Minor Foundation on Instagram




It is a place that has become a response to the needs of “invisible” dogs – that is, those who find it difficult to find homes. The Tri-City branch takes care of senior dogs, anxiety dogs, those who have been through a lot, as well as adolescents who need to be taught how to be a dog in the human world. Of course, puppies too, because the judite style must also be marked by the sea.


– We accept them not to make them stay with us, but to change their lives. Our strength lies in temporary homes, where these pets learn what love, a couch, a leash, and normal everyday life are say the girls from the Foundation, Marta and Kinga. This is possible because part of our team has a behavioral education. Thanks to our work and the work of invaluable volunteers, we bring back wonderful, tailed friends to the world, who go to their own tailor-made families.”


In addition to rescuing puppies and dogs that are sick and disabled, the Judyta Foundation helps dogs who are most difficult to help.


And this is happening right here – in the Tri-City Branch. So, Dear Friends, let’s help change the world!


Judyta Trójmiasto Foundation on FB
Judyta Tricity Foundation on Instagram

Meet the winners of the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget!

The fifth edition of the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget is behind us. What is this budget? It is a programme initiated by the Olivia Centre, which supports social initiatives of the inhabitants of Oliwa and Przymorze Małe. This year, the pool of funds allocated for co-financed projects of the fifth edition of the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget amounted to PLN 18,000, and we have already supported projects for almost PLN 100,000 in total. The award ceremony took place on October 13 during the event “Closing the Season Classically and Olivia Festival 2024”.


This year, the jury of the competition consisted of:

  • Andrzej Stelmasiewicz – Oliwa activist and social activist, Founder of the Gdańsk Community Foundation and co-founder of the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget
  • Małgorzata Skwira – Principal of Primary School 35
  • Tomasz Strug – Chairman of the Oliwa District Council
  • Grzegorz Kidybiński – Member of the Management Board of Olivia Centre

Meet the winning projects!


Park ON Association – “Ceramic Adventure Neighbors”

The aim of the project is to activate seniors and adults – especially people with Parkinson’s disease – and to enrich the offer of creative leisure by organizing as many as 26 one-and-a-half-hour ceramic classes. The classes will be an opportunity to create handicrafts, and additionally exercises in fine motor skills. Joint workshops are an excuse to leave the house, meet people with similar experiences of the disease and a chance for mutual support.

Łukasz Heldt and the neighborhood community at 56, 58 and 60 Piastowska Street – “Farewell to Summer”

A neighbourhood project aimed at integrating residents while having fun together in the open air, at the book and toy market and having refreshments together.

Gdańsk Sports Academy Olivia Foundation – “Oliwa Floorball Tournament for school children”

The aim of the project is to play floorball tournaments for children of primary schools in Oliwa and Przymorze Mały, to popularize floorball as a form of movement, to promote active leisure and integration of the local community. The tournament takes place in the sports hall. The organizers take care of the appropriate setting, high-level judging and attractive prizes for the winners.

Michał Ślubowski Role-playing game “Abbot Hacki’s Cipher”

The aim of the project is to organize a role-playing field game “Abbot Hacki’s Cipher”, which aims to popularize the history of Oliwa through an attractive form of a role-playing game for all people interested in the history of Oliwa and exploration of the district through the game. Each participant will receive an envelope with a set of riddles, ciphers, fragments of old maps, postcards and prepared letters.


– Among many initiatives that are implemented with the support of Olivia, it is the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget that gives us the greatest satisfaction – says Bogusław Wieczorek, the representative of the management board of Olivia Centre. – The very fact that we have been consistently supporting neighbourhood initiatives for five years now and that we have received positive feedback from residents and organisers of co-financed projects is of great importance to us, as we can see the real effects of our activities. Every year, we try to make these projects diverse, so that there is an opportunity to support different needs of residents, and we strongly encourage all interested parties to follow the next announcements about the launch of the next edition and submit their own projects, as we will certainly continue this project in the coming years.



More about the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget



Pinktober 2024! Take care of yourself. Take care of your health.

For years, October has been recognized worldwide as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. At this special time, Olivia also takes up topics related to breast cancer prevention.


Remember to self-examine your breasts


We encourage you, as every year, Dear Ladies, to self-examine your breasts. See how to properly perform the test. And remember that regular examination allows you to detect cancerous changes at an early stage and, consequently, apply effective treatment. The educational film was prepared by the Pink Butterfly Association, a non-profit organization supporting patients treated at the Breast Disease Center of the University Clinical Center in Gdańsk. It was established in November 2019 by the medical staff, patients and friends of the Center. The Association’s mission is to help people suffering from cancer, including breast diseases, at all stages of the disease (from diagnosis, through treatment and convalescence).

Remember about breast ultrasound


Breast ultrasound should be a permanent part of every woman’s calendar of preventive examinations. It is assumed that women over 30 should undergo a prophylactic breast ultrasound at least once every two years, and preferably once a year. In women from risk groups (with a family history of breast cancer, diagnosed with genetic mutations that increase the risk of developing the disease, with previous precancerous lesions), it is recommended to undergo more frequent examinations – two or three times a year.




Mammography is one of the preventive tests performed as part of breast cancer prevention as a screening test. It makes it possible to detect even very small cancerous lesions long before they become palpable. It is recommended for women over 40 years of age. It should be performed regularly, every 2 years, or as directed by your doctor.


Do you know about the breast cancer prevention program: mammography?


The programme is aimed at women aged 45-74. You can do a mammography test in stationary clinics or in a mobile vehicle that travels to the most remote corners of Polish.


Check where to have a mammogram in person (go to “Prevention programs” and select “Breast cancer prevention” from the list).


Check when the mobile vehicle will arrive in your town.


About mammography.


See: NFZ Academy | Practical calendar of preventive examinations


What do you know about biopsy?


Breast biopsy (fine-needle/core needle) is an examination that allows for precise breast diagnosis. Thanks to the ultrasound examination, the doctor locates the lesion and inserts a needle into it through the skin, which he uses to take a section of tissue from the center of the tumor, needed for further examination. The biopsy is not painful – it is performed under local anaesthesia and the woman does not require hospitalisation afterwards. More about the study…


Vacuum assisted core needle biopsy (VAB) is performed on an outpatient basis, i.e. in the treatment room, and no stay in the hospital operating room is necessary. The device consists of a disposable biopsy needle and a device that controls the biopsy process (vacuum assists). A needle is actually a complex disposable device that consists of a rotating blade connected to a container for histopathological material. More on this topic…


Medical facilities


Breast Disease Clinic of the University Clinical Center


The Breast Disease Clinic is intended for patients who have detected a change in their breasts and need advice or have previously been diagnosed with a benign change in the breast that requires regular check-ups. The clinic also accepts healthy patients who want to check their breasts and patients who believe that they may be genetically predisposed to breast cancer. During the first visit, the doctor conducts a detailed interview and then carefully examines the breasts and armpits.


58 727 05 00


Building No. 4
, 17
Smoluchowskiego Street, 80-214 Gdańsk


Copernicus Regional Oncology Centre


In building A of the Provincial Oncology Center, there is a modern center for the diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases – MAMMA CENTRUM according to the standards of the Breast Cancer Unit. It is located at 2 Maria Skłodowska Curie Street. The center conducts follow-up examinations in women at increased risk of breast cancer, ultrasound examinations using Doppler and elastography, classic mammography using a digital mammography, as well as spectral mammography and tomosynthesis. Patients can also count on magnetic resonance imaging, fine needle biopsy under ultrasound, core needle biopsy, stereo biopsy under mammography and ultrasound.


58 772 39 50, 58 345 21 99


Building A
Provincial Oncology Centre in Gdańsk,
2 Maria Skłodowska-Curie Street


Centre for Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Diseases at the Polish Red Cross Maritime Hospital in Gdynia (Gdynia Oncology Centre)


The center is accredited by the Breast Cancer Unit issued by SIS (Senologic International Society). Patients who come under the care of the center are covered by comprehensive and quick diagnostics and coordinated treatment. This means that they are helped in one place by experienced doctors: oncological surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, radiotherapists, pathologists, nurses and technicians. During therapy, you can also use the help of physiotherapists and psychological care. Thanks to this, patients do not have to look for help in several different places. In addition, the treatment is supervised by a coordinator. He or she acts as a guide for the sick person, guiding them through the various stages of therapy. Treatment is tailored to the requirements of the individual patient.



Surgery Clinictel. 5872 60 178 Hotline: 224 800 800



Szpitale Pomorskie sp. z o.o. | Polish Red Cross Maritime Hospital in Gdynia
, Oncology
Clinic, 1
Powstania Styczniowego Street, 81-519 Gdynia




–/ —


Did you know?


  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide (25%) and the leading cause of death (14%), and breast cancer patients account for 36% of women living with cancer. It is estimated that nearly 1.7 million women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and more than 500,000 die from it. It is a heterogeneous disease in which we distinguish different subtypes.
  • The highest incidence of breast cancer is recorded in industrialized countries (Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain). The lowest incidence is in countries in Africa and Southeast Asia. Geographic region is a factor that significantly modifies the risk of breast cancer.
  • In Poland, breast cancer has become one of the biggest threats to premature mortality of women in the last century. Breast cancer also occurs in men, although very rarely. It is estimated that one in the number of cases of breast cancer is breast cancer in men.
  • The risk factors for the development of the disease are complex, but the key factors seem to be those related to the hormonal status of the woman (reproductive factors, age of puberty and menopause, use of hormonal preparations). The incidence of breast cancer increases with age. Cancer is rare among women under 45 years of age, and the majority of cases occur in women over 50 years of age (80% of patients in Poland).
  • A factor that significantly increases the risk of developing breast cancer is the presence of a mutation in the BRCA1 gene or the BRCA2 gene. It is estimated that 4-8% of breast cancers may be the result of inherited mutations, the remaining cases are the result of sporadic mutations in somatic cells.
  • Diagnosis and early detection (secondary prophylaxis) based on regular mammography examinations (screening) are of decisive importance in the context of prevention and prevention of the development of advanced breast cancer.



We help together! Small box, big support!

The community of our
O4 Coworking
on Women’s Day supports the 8. edition of Project Shoebox

and helps women in crisis. The team collects hygiene products, which will be donated to those in need, packed in a… shoeboxes.


The initiative consists in collecting and donating hygiene products and cosmetic products to women in need: single mothers, victims of domestic violence, refugees. Women in crisis intervention centres, single mothers’ homes or residential homes often do not have access to basic items such as shampoo, shower gel or sanitary pads. Project Shoebox is here to change that.


The products that will be collected as part of the campaign will go to to the Shelter for the Homeless “Prometheusz” in Gdańsk at ul. Zakopane Street.


You can help in two ways:

  • Organize a collection in your company and donate the collected items to O4 Coworking (Olivia Four, entrance from the patio, next to Natka), or complete the whole box and bring it to the O4 reception desk.
  • Join individually and bring the indicated products, and the team from O4 Coworking will take care of completing the packages.


A list of the most necessary, basic things

  • shower gels
  • Soap
  • Personal & Menstrual Care Products
  • toothbrushes and toothpastes
  • Deodorants
  • shampoos, hair conditioners


Additionally welcome

  • body lotions
  • face and hand creams
  • perfume
  • hairbrushes, combs
  • small jewelry, ornaments
  • Baby care products
  • sweets.

IMPORTANT! Products must be unused and not expired.


Meeting point:
O4 Coworking reception in the Olivia Four building.


The products are harvested until March 1.




Together we can do more! Join the volunteers at thyssenkrupp!

It has been known for a long time that together we can do more. Volunteers from our resident, thyssenkrupp, let us know that they had organized a fundraiser for mothers from the Single Mother’s Home in Matemblewo. And we let you know that you can do something good!


#tkVolunteers want to accumulate funds in this way, which they can use to buy what young mothers do not have every day – cosmetics or make-up accessories. They will give gifts to mothers on Women’s Day.


Collection of #tkVolunteers for mothers




More about the Single Mother’s Home


The Single Mother’s Home in Matemblewo has been run by CARITAS of the Archdiocese of Gdańsk since 1 July 2012. It helps pregnant women and mothers with minor children who are struggling with various life problems. They are often forced to seek help by domestic violence, financial problems, lack of family support and other dramatic situations. This house is a place that offers not only a roof over one’s head, but also – and perhaps above all – legal assistance, psychological and social support. So far, the facility has taken care of over 1400 mothers and children. More…



Oliwa’s Neighbourhood Budget. Crochet workshops in January!

Do you remember Alicja, a 7th grade student of Primary School No. 23 in Gdańsk Oliwa? Ala submitted to the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget (a project under which we support initiatives of the inhabitants of our district, Gdańsk-Oliwa) the idea of carrying out crochet workshops. And she received funding for them! And here it is!


  • Crochet workshops will be held in the Oliwa Library from January 29 to February 1 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
  • We invite children from 10 years of age and adults, you don’t need to know how to crochet.
  • All materials will be available on site.
  • The number of places is limited to 15 people per group.


The workshop will be led by none other than Alicja Jankowska. Applications to the following email address:


“I really like crochet and I’ve been making hats, socks and mascots with this method for about a year ,” Alicja Jankowska told us when receiving the award. – It’s an incredible satisfaction for me to see the joy that my work brings to the people I prepare it for. Crocheting allows me to spend time creatively, relaxes, develops manual skills and gives me a lot of joy, so I want to share my passion with others.


Interestingly, this is not the first project submitted by such a young person. Alicja also ran in the Gdańsk Civic Budget; She submitted the preparation of an ecological mural. The girl shows entrepreneurship on a daily basis, successfully selling her own crochet products.


The Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget (OBS) is an initiative to support projects important to the residents of the district. Since 2019, residents, educational institutions and public benefit organizations have been submitting their initiatives to develop Oliwa, the district where the Olivia Centre is located. The budget was established on the initiative of the largest business centre in Poland, but its budget also includes Andrzej Stelmasiewicz , a Gdańsk councillor and local cultural animator. Previous editions of the neighbourhood budget have made it possible to co-finance projects with a total value of over PLN 65,000.
More about the winners of OBS 2023.

Maltese wafer in Olivia

On December 18, 2023, at the 34. On the first floor in Olivia Star, a special ceremony took place – the Maltese Wafer, which is the 22nd anniversary of the Maltese Christmas Wafer. edition of this Christmas meeting, for the 3rd time. organized in Gdańsk on the top floors of Olivia. The event was attended by two hundred invited guests, who had the opportunity not only to enjoy an exquisite dinner, but also to admire the picturesque views. The organization of this unique wafer was an initiative of the Association of Polish Knights of Malta.


The participants were greeted with a word and blessing by Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda, Metropolitan of Gdańsk. In his speech, he pointed out that this meeting is of particular importance in difficult times, and such events bring something positive to life. The President of the Association of Polish Knights of Malta, Jacek Tarnowski, emphasized that the Maltese wafer is to be unique and luxurious in order to bring joy to people whose lives are often difficult and the sun rarely peeks into their homes.


The campaign focuses on inviting lonely seniors and families in need to a Christmas dinner, where each guest receives a gift from Santa Claus. One of its important elements is taking care of a unique atmosphere. For many of the guests, it was not only a Christmas meeting, but also a chance to admire the beautiful views from the 34. Olivia Star floors. Families with children, the elderly, lonely people and people with disabilities sat at the Christmas table in Olivia. On the table there were traditional Christmas dishes, which were served to the participants of the event to the sounds of Christmas carols. It was a nice time, filled with conversations, celebration, socially integrating.


The Maltese Wafer
is a nationwide charity campaign that aims to support poor families, lonely people, and those who need help. The activities are organized by the Association of Polish Knights of Malta in cooperation with Municipal Social Welfare Centres. In this year’s edition, it was planned to give gifts to about 3500 people in various locations in Poland, Ukraine and England.


The honorary patrons of this festive meeting were the President of the Association of Polish Knights of Malta Jacek Tarnowski, the Ambassador of the Order of Malta to Poland Niels Carl Alexander Lorijn and His Excellency Bishop Tadeusz Wojda. The Maltese Wafer takes place thanks to the generosity of donors, sponsors and the commitment of volunteers. The partner of the place was Olivia Centre.

Fig. Bogusław wieczorek,



The Olivia Centre Choir – a unique project celebrated its 5th anniversary!

It was an event full of emotions, good emotions and great hits. The concert “Fifth ROCK of the Olivia Centre Choir” took place on December 6 on the 34th floor of Olivia Star and filled the hall to the brim, gathering an audience of over three hundred people. Once again, it turned out how special Olivia’s venture is.


During the pandemic, nearly 80% of choirs in Poland were forced to suspend their activities, and after the pandemic, only a handful of them continue their activities. Against many odds, the Olivia Centre choir not only endures, but also develops perfectly, contributing to the strengthening of the Oliwa community. The project, created in a business environment, which brings together busy and burdened with numerous responsibilities employees of corporations on a daily basis, is a unique undertaking, proving that passion can connect people and be something much more than just a space for them to develop their vocal talent.


The Olivia Centre Choir is one of the most active clubs for developing passions in Olivia. It is part of a project that has been implemented for years to create an active, strong community in Olivia, which is manifested in the functioning of a number of teams focused on the various interests of the employees of this largest business center in Poland. For years, there have been clubs of enthusiasts of photography, football, volleyball, mountain biking, cross-country running, plant lovers or singing together in the form of the Olivia Centre choir. These clubs have repeatedly shown how important a role they play in the local community, uniting their forces for important projects. During the pandemic, the people in them have completed collection of computers for children during remote learning, collection and distribution of Christmas gifts for the sick and needy and those in isolation, as well as collection of equipment and food for Ukrainians after Russia’s aggression against their country. At the same time, the choir is the most active project, which this year celebrates its 5th anniversary.


The conductor and manager of the choir is Wiktoria Pagieła, a native of Zhytomyr. It is her energy and persistence that make the project develop, bringing together people from over 20 companies from the Olivia Centre. As she emphasizes, the challenges she faces go far beyond what could be superficially called a club for developing her own passion.


– A conductor should have managerial competence to be able to develop the ensemblenot only in terms of music, but also in terms of Artistic. Luckily,I’mstill succeeding when we’ve been continuously developing our business for 5 years . During the pandemic, they masteredśwe piecesę rehearsals via the Internet, it will be possible toTAbout Us SIę even recordsć music video and releaseć The firstą pTYtęand we are currently preparing forę to our first commercial gig that will beęGoing onę in the Oliwa Town Hall of Culture. -Tells Wiktoria Pagieła.

Fig. Maciej Roszkowski


As he emphasizes, leading a choir means working on personalities that are as different as the voices are, but which nevertheless create harmonious sounds in the choir.


– To me, it’s importantżindividual contact with each other is notżSmoke from CZTonics of our teamTu whenż This is aęI manage to do itę constructionć TakesTe relationships and maintainsć TeamT Even during such difficult periods as they have gone throughśwe together, like the pandemic or the rise inśremote work. We like to siAs a ensemble, and this is the most importantthing for the development of the choir and our potential,” adds the conductor.

Fig. Maciej Roszkowski


A choir in the center of the business attracts people to the office


The non-musical role of the choir is noticed by many of its members. Marta Moksa, a choir member and director of the O4 coworking space, emphasizes that the mission of the choir for each of its members is much more than just a meeting of music lovers.


– Olivia’s choir is a classic exampleTad this, że reallyę Not all that is in żin life and in business we do, must haveć in advance forTaboutżpurpose, or a quantifiable indicator of theźNiki. And at the same timeThat the key in lifearethe people with whomyou start to do something. How do youfull of energy, commitmentand passion, then suddenly there is a Wonders. At the beginning of theItwas supposedto be just an ordinaryhobby In the case of the Scottish Government, the Netherlands But how do youIf 10,000 people gather in one place, you canalready gather forty great amateur musicians with a big heart for the world.singing! For me, it’s aIt wasnot a great specificity (concerts, albums, awards, competitions) and at the same timeasymbol of the role that Olivia wants and fulfillsin the lives of many people from the Tri-City – says Marta Moksa.


Ewa Bućko , a senior accountant from Lyreco, joined the choir during the pandemic. Her adventure began completely by accident when, while in the office during the lockdown, she came across information about the recruitment and applied for an audition. Since then, the choir has become a place that not only gives her the opportunity to fulfill her artistic passions, but also provides a stimulus to come to the office: Fact że rehearsals shall take placeą Się inTaśin my workplace, motivates me a lotT On top of that, żso that on this particular day I would beTand in the office. KnowI also said thatI had to plan my tasks in such a way that I would be able to on a timed rehearsal. I’m very happy that my wholeteam in the company is very supportive of my artistic aspirations and cheers me on to make mydreams come true . ViewerThere are also a lot of events in Olivia that are supposedto attract people to the office. People chThey takeadvantage of such oppor tunitiesand attractions, and I am the best example of this.


Wiktoria Pagieła also confirms that during the 5 years of the choir’s activity, it began to play a much more important role in the lives of musicians than just the one related to rehearsals and concerts: Our choir is a group of 40 people, representingvery different worldsEnvironments. CzMost of them have been singing in the choir sinceits inception, and therefore already 5 years. ZawiąbehindTY się in it alreadyż Friendshipźno, meTaboutśToday,ęwhy the choir is not only our passion, but alsożE spoTEcznoT h e, which meetsę on the commonśkaraoke, cinema or other social gatherings. After so many years, the choir is alreadyThat’s our musical family.


Michał Krzepkowski, a manager from Epam Systems, a company with offices in Olivia, does not hide his satisfaction from participating in such a unique undertaking and the non-musical benefits: To my knowledge, there is no other initiative like this in the world. Certainly, it is something very unique and at first glance it is difficult to find a connection with everyday managerial duties. However, if we take a closer look, the work of a choir is also a group work, where everyone is different – if we compare it to our corporations, it is a much bigger challenge – if only because it is a larger team than those that managers deal with on a daily basis. Choir is a team effort – that is, if we want to achieve something, we should do it together. Choir is also about learning to listen to each other, it’s about working on communication, about looking for your strengths and weaknesses, it’s about supporting each other when you’re doing great, but also when there are days when everything sucks. For me personally, the choir gives a better perspective on the team, on how to work together to become better, how to overcome difficulties that will arise and how to improve communication.


In a period of dynamic changes in the labour market and the evolution of the office work model towards hybrid solutions, managers are developing numerous solutions to motivate employees to return to the office. Olivia Centre, among other things, through the activities of such passion development clubs as the choir, shows that with an interesting employee integration policy, the hybrid model does not have to be the dominant variant at all. According to extensive research conducted by Olivia, the number of employees coming to the office increases significantly on days when the center organizes events for employees of companies operating in its area.

Fig. Maciej Roszkowski


A few more words about the concert…


The guests certainly let themselves be carried away by the wave of energy, singing and rock sound. Not only was it a great time, but everyone who bought a ticket for the jubilee concert contributed to the charitable goal of the event. The Choir decided to allocate part of the proceeds from the tickets to scholarships for students of the Secondary Music School. Feliks Nowowiejski in Gdansk. Young artists, Antonina Zawada from class III, accompanied by her father, Paweł Zawada and Józef Wesołowski from class VII presented themselves excellently to the general public during the event.

Fig. Maciej Roszkowski


As the title of the concert suggests, “Olivia Centre’s Fifth ROCK”, guests could hear world rock hits arranged for choir, such as Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, U2’s “With or Without You”, and Queen’s “We Will Rock You”.


Soloists: Dominika Rossa, Paweł Neumann, Samuel Steinborn.


The Olivia Centre Choir was also accompanied by Felipe Alvarado (saxophone, classical guitar) and a band consisting of Marcin Twardowski – piano; Olaf Shchelushchenko – guitar; Krzysztof Hnatiuk – bass; Tomasz Hoffman – drums.


Olivia Centre Choir conducted by Wiktoria Pagieła


Dorota Bednarczyk, Alicja Błażejewska, Patrycja Buczkowska, Ewa Bućko, Samuel Conejo Amaguana, Krzysztof Dolański, Julia Fedosova, Michał Krzepkowski, Idmal Kwidzińska, Bożena Lehmann, Karolina Lewandowska, Marta Moksa, Yulia Myroshnychenko, Paweł Neuman, Magdalena Odrowąż-Piramowicz, Małgorzata Olszewska, Izabela Paluch, Katarzyna Piętka, Radosław Piętka, Hamish Potts, Katarzyna Roskosz, Dominika Rossa, Aleksandra Rylska, Olha Shatkovskaya, Joanna Sienkiewicz, Małgorzata Sitko, Adrianna Stajewska, Samuel Steinborn, Anna Szczołek, Maria Szkatulska, Karolina Tetlak, Bartosz Walaszek, Anna Walaszek, Sylwia Witberg, Remigiusz Wojciechowski, Dominika Ziobro

Fig. Maciej Roszkowski





Charity and Christmas Variety Market in Olivia!

We cordially invite you on December 14, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., to the Charity and Christmas Variety Market in Olivia. As every year, you will be able to buy amazing things from Tri-City artists and craftsmen, as well as from talented charges of foundations and associations (such pre-Christmas helping is our olive tradition).


You don’t have to go to the center of Gdańsk to feel the atmosphere of the Christmas Market. All fans of handicrafts and unique trinkets, as well as those who simply like to help, will surely be satisfied with our Christmas market.


What’s ahead? Three trade fair zones and a performance by Wiktoria Gorczyca.


Commercial and Handicraft Zone


  • Winning Moves – Board Games & Puzzles
  • Jaskółka – Tri-City manufactory of soy candles, bath salts, Christmas cards
  • Ostrowska Jewelry – minimalist jewelry made of pearls, natural stones and amber
  • Fina Styling Treasures – candles, fabrics, bows, Christmas decorations
  • Hippie Plume – local handmade jewelry
  • CHILLI Jewellery – jewellery with Baltic amber
  • Tafles – ceramics created by hand in a workshop in Żuławy
  • DREAM Workshop – original soy candles resembling sweets and more
  • Madka’s lipsticks – baskets , laptop bags, crochet flower pot covers
  • BALUNAS – wreaths, wreaths, Christmas decorations
  • Non/meat – delicacies from a bistro with two faces – vegetarian and meat
  • Easy Cheesy – occasional catering, sweet and persistent treats


Charity Zone

Visit the stalls with handicrafts made by the charges of associations and foundations. And don’t forget about the
O4 Coworking fundraiser
. Take a look at the special stand of
O4 Coworking
– accepting payment confirmations and prizes for people supporting Ula (details below)


  • dOBRY dEAL Foundation and with it ZEROBAN – backpacks, fanny packs, bags and toiletry bags
  • Lena Grochowska Foundation with ceramics
  • Navelof the World and handmade candles


Food court

Try festive, Polish delicacies from Natka Bistro, Easy Cheesy and Nie/mięsny! There will be no shortage of borscht and dumplings.



Live music, performance by Wiktoria Gorczyca

You will relax during a break at work, listening to vocalist Wiktoria Gorczyca and Christmas hits such as: Last Christmas, Let It Snow, Jingle Bells.


Wiktoria Gorczyca is a versatile vocalist with a dark timbre, a strong voice and a natural jazz feeling. She began her musical adventure in her childhood. She is inspired by the freedom in jazz music, which is in line with her nature. In 2017 she completed a course in vocal and conducting jazz bands at a seminar in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Over the next few years, she took part in numerous projects and music workshops. She performed with the accompaniment of the guitar in popular places in the Tri-City, singing various songs, giving them her own individual style. The next important step in her development was a trip to the United States, where she worked on her solo material and played, among others, in South Lake Tahoe, Los Angeles and Memphis. Her American adventure and numerous performances gave her confidence and contributed to the creation of new songs that helped her set her sights on a new solo album.




The event is a charity event. What does that mean?

First of all, the amount collected from the Exhibitors will be donated to the treatment of the wife of a colleague from O4 Coworking

Secondly, in addition, O4 Coworking will conduct a fundraiser among people visiting the market. You can help too! How?


A special piggy bank has been created, where you can make a donation:



Among those who come to the O4 Coworking stand with a payment confirmation, O4 will draw 5 unique gifts from exhibitors. The minimum deposit amount is PLN 10.



PULA – an innovative solution for Gdansk. An app that focuses on ecology!

Do you want to change your habits, improve your surroundings and be part of the sustainable community of Gdansk? You will be helped by PULA, an application in which you will obtain Good Coins, a virtual currency exchangeable for products and services of local entrepreneurs.


PULA – an innovative solution for Gdansk

Gdańsk has become a living laboratory of the
PULA project
. This is thanks to an international consortium of universities and organizations from Polish and Norway, which are working on an innovative solution. Thanks to it, the residents of Gdansk will be able to benefit from changing their habits, improve their surroundings and be part of a sustainable community in Gdansk. They will co-create PULA, an application based on a multi-stakeholder partnership of local entities.


What is PULA and how does it work?

The operation of the pool is based on the possibility for the user to earn a special, a local currency that can be obtained through responsible actions, changes in habits and joint local ventures. For example, shopping with an app partner, using reusable bags, or participating in a dedicated event. In exchange for such actions, the user of the application receives points, i.e. the so-called Good Coins, which can be used to “pay” for specific products and services, which – just like the activities themselves – are in line with the assumptions of sustainable development. Good Coins can be obtained for the use of sustainable transport, cleaning of public places, development of green areas or use of local circular economy services.


The operation of PULA is built on the basis of strategic partners – business (Olivia Centre), scientific (Fahrenheit Universities) and educational (Experyment Science Centre, Hevelianum). PULA also has local partners – gastronomy, services and social economy, while the provider of the IT solution is Primigenius s.c.



With each passing moment, the Pula is growing!

There are currently 30 locations on the PULA map where you can earn or spend Good Coins. These include: Avocado, a chain of shops, restaurants and bistros promoting responsible gastronomy, Good Deal, a social economy store, Zeroban, a social enterprise offering upcycled products, and institutions such as GIWK Sp. z o.o., Centre for Environmental Information and Education, Hevelianum.


The PULA network also includes local NGOs, such as PLONY or the Neighbourhood Energy Incubator. The partners offer not only prizes, but also joint ventures and events that will involve residents in the circulation of currency.


Thanks to mutual networking, the map of good spots on the map of Gdańsk is growing day by day. However, this is just the beginning – the app is in the pilot phase, and its full availability is planned for the beginning of the summer holidays. In addition to the opportunities to earn and spend Good Coins, a number of events for the benefit of local communities are planned as part of the POOL. Look for the PULA app in the store from mid-July 2023.




Greencoin Project

The pool was created as part of the
Greencoin project
. An innovative solution dedicated to Gdańsk has been developed by an interdisciplinary team of scientists and urban practitioners, For the sake of the common good, they have joined forces to multi-faceted research on how to motivate Gdańsk residents to undertake ecological behaviours, as well as how to strengthen these behaviours for a sustainable future. On the basis of their research, they developed a PULA.


“There is no shortage of sustainable technologies in the world. However, there was a noticeable dissonance between the state of technology and the reality around us. Cities evolve slowly, and in the dominant economic model, ecology is of no real value. Consequently, there is a deficit of stimuli driving positive change. –Translators M.Sc. Arch. Kacper Radziszewski from the Faculty of Architecture of the Gdańsk University of Technology, Greencoin project manager – When creating the assumptions of the project, we thought that if a person behaving responsibly received funds that they could spend on further sustainable solutions (products, services, technologies), then a self-reinforcing mechanism supporting sustainable behaviour would be created. And that’s how we created Pula.


The Greencoin project currently benefits from €1.62 million in funding received from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Grants. The goal of the Greencoin project is to create a system for promoting ecological behavior with the help of an alternative virtual currency, which will be made available to a wider audience as open-source software in the future.


The project has just been nominated for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2023 in the Social Innovation category.


Download the app on the App Store

Download the app on Google Play