
Art exhibition in Olivia

Recently, in the lobby of Olivia Star, we have been able to admire ceramics and paintings by outstanding Tri-City artists: Dorota Krzyżanowska, Gertruda Wilczopolska and Wiesław Grzech (the works of the latter come from the private collection of Lidia Rutkowska).

This is the next edition of the Olivia Business Centre project to support and promote our creators. Previously, artists from WL4 presented their works in Olivia.

The exhibition will run until 23 March 2018. The works will also be exhibited in other buildings of Olivia Business Centre.

All of them can be purchased. If you are interested, please contact the marketing department: marketing@oliviacentre.com.

The co-organizer of the exhibition is Barbara Matysiak, president of the Artimpres.me impresario.

About the artists:

DOROTA KRZYŻANOWSKA. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk with a master’s degree in art in 1985 (diploma in easel painting at the Faculty of Painting and Graphics under the supervision of Prof. Kazimierz Ostrowski and an annex in graphic arts under the supervision of Prof. Czesław Tumielewicz). Her works can be found in galleries and private collections in Germany, Poland, France, the United States of America, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Sweden, Canada, England and many other countries. The artist practices easel painting, water painting, drawing and her own techniques, including innovative digital techniques. He is also involved in multimedia and photography. He cooperates with publishing houses as a graphic designer for publishing series, illustrations, etc. Her specialty, on the other hand, is very fast “recording” of a specific energy of a moment – emotions, perceptions, feelings, movements. He attaches great importance to the facial expressions of the characters. Drawing sometimes takes just seconds. However, it can take a long time to prepare the mind to make this clear, unambiguous message. She likes to create by listening to natural music – sacred songs, ethnic and meditative music from all over the world.

GERTRUDE WILCZOPOLSKA. She has been working as an artist for 45 years. She studied art at the Faculty of Painting at the State Higher School of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. She graduated in 1960. She works in various artistic techniques, such as: painting, medallic art, unique fabric – tapestry, small sculptural forms, as well as in the rare technique of glaze painting on large-format ceramic tiles. She has participated in numerous group and individual exhibitions in Poland and abroad (m.in. United States, Sweden, Finland, Italy, United Kingdom). She likes to pass on the practical secrets of visual arts. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of ZPAP, in 2011 she received the She dreams that her works will fill the audience with optimism, give hope that even from the evil that happens to us in life, good is born, taken from the source of all love, and that the dullness of everyday life does not overshadow beauty.

WIESŁAW GRZECH. The painter spent his childhood and youth in Gdynia in the Orłowo district, which has always been his inspiration. He painted the Orłowski Cliff, the beaches of Orłowo, the pier. Gdynia is his story, it was there that his journey began, making Gdynia famous with his paintings, known in many places around the world. Wiesław Grzech’s paintings: first impression – an extraordinary amount of light. The second: the constant spinning of the world, its repetitiveness. “I’m self-taught” – that’s how he describes himself, but he took the environment by storm, stirring it up in a healthy way and raising the bar high for professionals. Wiesław Grzech started painting at the age of 12. It was then that he created his first oil paintings and seaside landscapes. Fascinated by nature, he observes its beauty, perfectly capturing its harmony, which is reflected in his paintings: sometimes realistic, sometimes melancholic, full of reverie…. Wiesław Grzech’s self-generated talent develops thanks to constant creative work and constant searching. He evolved from a post-impressionist form to a form proper only to the artist. Wiesław Grzech’s works have already travelled almost all over Europe. This is also where they mainly find their audience.

The works of Wiesław Grzech were made available thanks to the kindness of Mrs. Lidia Rutkowska (private collection).


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