
Carpooling in Olivia Business Centre!

Right after the launch of the special OBC bus, we are implementing another employee-friendly solution

carpooling! The idea of carpooling is very simple. If you have a free seat in the car you use to commute to work, you can take passengers going in the same direction with you, i.e. to OBC:)

Carpooling is a plus!

  • Drivers benefit because passengers share the cost of fuel with them.
  • Passengers who travel comfortably and comfortably benefit.
  • By the way, you can get to know each other better and contribute to taking care of the environment:)
  • In addition, you will win a parking space in Olivia Business Centre and many other prizes.

So, a few words about the “Divide the car, multiply the benefits” competition, which promotes our carpooling among Residents and which starts on June 1st.

Rules of the “Divide the car, multiply the benefits” competition.

To take part in the competition, all you need to do is:

  • register on the cp.oliviacentre.com


  • specify the route of the home-work route with an indication of departure times and the number of seats available in the car,
  • tag your vehicle with a dedicated action badge
  • and systematically collect coupons (points) for travelling together at the pit-stop located in Olivia Business Centre (from 6:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. vis-à-vis the Starbucks café).

Points are scored for the frequency of journeys and the number of fellow passengers. Vehicles participating in the competition can be specially marked m.in. with an OBC sticker, which is treated as equivalent to transporting an additional passenger to work every day and additionally gratified.

The contest will run from 1 to 30 June.

For more information , please visit:

We invite you to register for cp.oliviacentre.com

Partners of the “Share the car, multiply the benefits” campaign

If you want to know more about our Partners, please visit their official websites:

Roccialli https://pl-pl.facebook.com/roccialliolivia/

Koku Sushi http://www.kokusushi.pl/pl/gdansk.html

Lobster Restaurant http://restauracjalobster.pl/

Auto Euro Car Wash http://www.autoeuro.pl/

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