
Charity concert “My Story” with the participation of Piotr Rubik

On Saturday, October 1, at 6:00 p.m., the Baltic Philharmonic will host a charity concert “My Story” with a special participation of Piotr Rubik. The organizer is the JMP Foundation – inspirations in education.

With the concert ” My Story” Piotr Rubik He recently toured the U.S. and Canada, where the show was enthusiastically received by audiences. Along with the special guest, m.in appear: Agnieszka Przekupień, Marta Moszczyńska, Marcin Januszkiewicz and Michał Gasz. During the concert, you will be able to hear the greatest hits of the musician performed by excellent soloists, who will present completely new and sometimes unexpected interpretations of these well-liked songs on stage, together with Piotr Rubik and his band.

The total income from the concert (the cost of the donation – PLN 175 per person) and the unique auction of items donated by the most famous personalities from the world of sport will be allocated to the organization of the Festival of Innovative Education, which will take place in the Ergo Arena in Gdańsk on April 26, 2017.

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