
Knowledge and inspiration. Global Entrepreneurship Week at Olivia Business Centre

Information and inspiration. Meetings, discussions, trainings.

From Monday, 14 November , Olivia Business Centre will be alive with the Global Entrepreneurship Week. There are 15 workshops, trainings, networking sessions and presentations ahead of us… Among the hosts of events organized in the Olivia Business Centre space were m.in. Pomerania Development Agency, Talent Development Centre, Gdańsk Global, OBC – o4 coworking space, Municipal Public Library in Gdynia, Berlitz and, of course, Olivia Business Centre.

A full calendar of events organised at OBC as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Find something for yourself!

As you can see from the calendar (yes, yes, downloading the file is mandatory) 🙂 On November 16 , we invite you to the OBC – O4 coworking space for a meeting organized by Olivia Business Centre.


How to be good at business… CSR for everyone

Whether and why it is worth being socially responsible and what it really means will be discussed by the residents of Olivia Business Centre: Energa, PwC, Sii , the social startup We Think Healthy , the educational project Inspiring Examples Foundation, representatives of the Gdańsk Business Run initiative and the President of the Development Initiation Forum.

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You can also send us an e-mail:) – events@oliviacentre.com

Get to know (we) each other. Act (we).


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