
Meet the winners of the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget!

The fifth edition of the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget is behind us. What is this budget? It is a programme initiated by the Olivia Centre, which supports social initiatives of the inhabitants of Oliwa and Przymorze Małe. This year, the pool of funds allocated for co-financed projects of the fifth edition of the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget amounted to PLN 18,000, and we have already supported projects for almost PLN 100,000 in total. The award ceremony took place on October 13 during the event “Closing the Season Classically and Olivia Festival 2024”.


This year, the jury of the competition consisted of:

  • Andrzej Stelmasiewicz – Oliwa activist and social activist, Founder of the Gdańsk Community Foundation and co-founder of the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget
  • Małgorzata Skwira – Principal of Primary School 35
  • Tomasz Strug – Chairman of the Oliwa District Council
  • Grzegorz Kidybiński – Member of the Management Board of Olivia Centre

Meet the winning projects!


Park ON Association – “Ceramic Adventure Neighbors”

The aim of the project is to activate seniors and adults – especially people with Parkinson’s disease – and to enrich the offer of creative leisure by organizing as many as 26 one-and-a-half-hour ceramic classes. The classes will be an opportunity to create handicrafts, and additionally exercises in fine motor skills. Joint workshops are an excuse to leave the house, meet people with similar experiences of the disease and a chance for mutual support.

Łukasz Heldt and the neighborhood community at 56, 58 and 60 Piastowska Street – “Farewell to Summer”

A neighbourhood project aimed at integrating residents while having fun together in the open air, at the book and toy market and having refreshments together.

Gdańsk Sports Academy Olivia Foundation – “Oliwa Floorball Tournament for school children”

The aim of the project is to play floorball tournaments for children of primary schools in Oliwa and Przymorze Mały, to popularize floorball as a form of movement, to promote active leisure and integration of the local community. The tournament takes place in the sports hall. The organizers take care of the appropriate setting, high-level judging and attractive prizes for the winners.

Michał Ślubowski Role-playing game “Abbot Hacki’s Cipher”

The aim of the project is to organize a role-playing field game “Abbot Hacki’s Cipher”, which aims to popularize the history of Oliwa through an attractive form of a role-playing game for all people interested in the history of Oliwa and exploration of the district through the game. Each participant will receive an envelope with a set of riddles, ciphers, fragments of old maps, postcards and prepared letters.


More about the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget



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