
Olivia Business Centre will host the world

On 7-9 March, the seventh edition of Transport Week, one of the largest conferences devoted to transport and logistics in Central Europe, will take place in Gdansk. This time, the event will be devoted to modern solutions in the field of environmentally friendly technologies in the maritime, port and logistics industries. Nearly 300 participants from nearly 100 companies and institutions located in 21 countries have announced their participation in the conference. They will listen to over 70 speakers, taking part in over 50 speeches and 7 discussion panels.

The partner of Transport Week 2017 is the largest business centre in northern Poland, Olivia Business Centre, which on 8 March under the slogan “Hosting The World” will host top European representatives of transport and logistics companies. On that day, the “Baltic Trendsetters Club Certificates” award ceremony will be held at the Olivia Sky Club, awarded by the editors of the “Baltic Transport Journal”. The winners of the award are companies that drive the development of the Baltic Sea Region by implementing unique and bold projects that have a lasting impact on the logistics and transport industry.

Every year, the Transport Week conference brings together key representatives of the European transport sector, major industry market players, investors, government representatives and experts. The participants of the event include owners of shipping and container lines, ro-ro operators, port and terminal authorities, railway operators, as well as representatives of administrative offices in Poland and abroad, as well as representatives of European transport and logistics organizations.

“We have the largest port investment in the Baltic Sea basin in Gdansk, so we are returning to our maritime transport roots. The proximity of the motorway, the modernized airport, the expanded railway, and many universities educating qualified staff make Gdańsk an important business player in this part of Europe, attracting top companies and institutions. They find their place in Olivia Business Centre, a centre that offers them comprehensive support in business development, m.in. thanks to the presence of top HR, IT, financial and consulting companies – says Agnieszka Zglinicka, Project Director at Olivia Business Centre.

The transport and logistics industry in the Baltic Sea is in an interesting and very complex situation. Strong competition between sectors and a wide range of environmental regulations concerning shipping in the Baltic Sea require the TSL sector to make dynamic decisions to adapt to frequent and often rapid changes. Transport Week provides a platform for the exchange of experience and information to meet these requirements. This year’s meetings are dedicated to green solutions, modern technologies and innovative development strategies, innovative logistics, as well as legal regulations and methods of financing current and new ventures. We are proud that together with the partners of the event we can create the future of the TSL industry. – said Alan Arent, Event Director at Actia Forum, which organizes Transport Week.

The honorary patronage over the event was taken by: among others. The Minister of Infrastructure and Construction Andrzej Adamczyk, the Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation Marek Gróbarczyk, the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk Paweł Adamowicz and key European institutions – the City of Gdansk. among others. The Baltic Ports Organization (BPO), the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) and the International Port Community Systems Association (IPCSA).

Event website

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