
Olivia is a partner of infoShare 2018!

Olivia Business Centre is also present at the infoShare Conference – the largest technology conference in this part of Europe! It could not have been otherwise, after all, it is in Olivia that the organizers of the conference, the infoShare Foundation, have their headquarters. There is also infoShare Academy, educating future programmers.

The Gdańsk event on 22 and 23 May will be visited by nearly 8,000 people from all over the world, according to the Organisers’ estimates. These days, Gdańsk is becoming the centre of Polish (and not only!) business, innovation and technology. There are over 150 inspiring lectures on seven stages ahead of us, so we will have a solid dose of knowledge about the latest trends in IT, investing and marketing. International experts from m.in were invited to speak. from Microsoft, Google, Intel.

The main stage – the Inspire Stage – will belong to business practitioners. Among the speakers are m.in. Robin Wauters (Tech.eu), Michał Sadowski (Brand24), Pocket Sun (SoGal Ventures) and Michał Szafrański, who will talk m.in. about how to make seven million from a blog. Szafrański’s meeting with the author is also planned as part of the promotion of the book “Trust, or the currency of the future”.

Artur Kurasiński (MUSE), Chriss Kubby (Kubb&co), Brian Fanzo (iSocialFanz), Janina Bąk from janinadaily.com, Rahim Blak (Click Community) and many others will reveal the secrets of effective marketing at the Marketing Stage .

Once again, infoShare will host the Start-up Contest, a competition for start-ups. The main prize in it is 20 thousand. funded by the Mayor of Gdansk.

“A record number of start-ups signed up to compete this year, as many as almost 500 from over 40 countries. Out of these less than half a thousand applications – which makes us very happy, because it strengthens the international prestige and rank of infoShare – 80 percent came from outside Polish. We have selected 20 start-ups for the finals of the competition, which will be decided in Gdańsk. There will be about 300 start-ups present on site,” Grezgorz Borowski, head of the infoShare Foundation, told PAP.

The venue of the infoShare 2018 conference is the Gdańsk International Fair AmberExpo. The two main days of the event are Tuesday and Wednesday. On Monday, workshops are planned, and on Thursday, for some of the participants, a cruise on the Bay of Gdańsk.



Fig. Olivia Business Centre Zone just before the opening of the conference

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