
Our Residents, Bayer, Amazon and PwC are the most desirable employers in 2017!

Olivia residents, Bayer and Amazon are the most desirable employers in 2017, PwC Poland with silver in the Advisory and Consulting category!

Antal has presented the results of the eighth edition of the “Most Desirable Employers” survey according to managers and specialists. It was attended by 4102 respondents from all over Polish, representatives of middle and senior staff. The respondents represented 16 voivodships and 9 professional disciplines, m.in. IT, HR, Logistics, Law, Finance and Accounting.

Our Bayer and Amazon Residents were recognized by the respondents as the best in their categories. Bayer became number one in the “Pharmaceutical Companies” category, while Amazon became number one in the “Internet, New Media, E-commerce” category. PWC Polska stood on the podium in the “Advisory and Consulting” category:)


Since 2012, Bayer has had its financial and accounting centre in Olivia. Bayer Service Center Gdańsk serves the company’s branches from more than 20 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, m.in. from Germany, Russia, the Scandinavian and Balkan countries. In addition to accounting, teams of specialists from the Gdańsk SGC also deal with project management, graphic design and support in the area of transparency. In 2014, Amazon opened its Technology Development Center in Olivia. Specialized teams create innovative solutions for products and services that are implemented all over the world. More than 450 R&D employees are working on technologies such as the virtual voice assistant Alexa, among other things. In January 2015, Olivia Business Centre started operating a competence centre belonging to the so-called “Slovak S.A. The “Big Four” (along with Deloitte, Ernst & Young and KPMG), the international consulting firm PwC. He provides advisory services mainly to clients from the financial sector of Western Europe and the United States. We would like to remind you that PwC took first place in two prestigious rankings, the results of which were announced on 16 April. In the Ranking of Tax Firms and Advisors of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, the highest position was awarded to PwC in the category “The Largest Tax Advisory Firm 2017”, and in the Ranking of Auditors of “Rzeczpospolita” and “Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet” in the category “The Best Audit Firm in Poland 2017”.


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According to the respondents, in 2017 the key elements in choosing an employer were size and prestige (59% of responses) as well as management style and organizational culture of the company (51%). Only in third place was the amount of remuneration. Employees are increasingly aware of the variety of factors that predict higher standards and the quality of work itself. Although the uniqueness of the company is still at the top of the list, there is an increase in the relevance of all the survey criteria. This also applies to the basic elements of a job offer: salary or benefits. In practice, this means that employers who try to build their advantage, e.g. by offering unusually high salaries, at the expense of a bad atmosphere at work or a lack of work-life balance, will not be attractive in the eyes of employees. Conversely, an excellent reputation for a company will not tempt employees if the reputation does not go hand in hand with favorable working conditions.

Employers are becoming more and more aware of the importance of these elements, which is why it is a growing trend on the market to conduct an annual satisfaction and engagement survey, and in larger organizations with thousands of employees, to survey the pulse even once a quarter, in a selected group of employees. According to research conducted by Antal in this area, employee satisfaction affects their engagement, which in turn translates directly into customer satisfaction and loyalty. The location criterion, as in the previous year, is at the end, because in the era of remote work, when the main determinant is the result and efficiency achieved, the place of work in the physical sense is not a key factor for candidates when looking for a job. Whether an employee feels like a partner in building the business of the company in which he or she is employed will depend to a large extent on the way managers manage and their competences.

More about the study

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Antal is a company that recruits specialists and managers, as well as provides HR consultancy. The company operates in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, as well as in Hungary under the Enloyd brand. The survey “The most desirable employers in the opinion of specialists and managers” was conducted in December 2017 and January 2018. The anonymous survey involved 4,102 professionals and managers from all over the country.

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