
Responsible and Socially Sensitive Entrepreneur 2017

On 26 January 2018, at the Evening Gala of Pomeranian Employers, of which Olivia Business Centre is a partner, statuettes and certificates will be awarded for the first time to companies from the metropolitan area awarded in the Responsible and Socially Sensitive Entrepreneur 2017 competition. The aim of the competition is to popularize the idea of socially solidary business, to build one’s own image based on trust and honesty, and to honour and promote those entrepreneurs who adhere to such principles in their daily work. Among the awarded entrepreneurs there will be a social economy entity conducting business activity and employing employees.

The winners of the title of “Responsible and Socially Sensitive Entrepreneur 2017” receive:

  • certificate “Responsible and Socially Sensitive Entrepreneur 2017”
  • Statuette
  • a prize of PLN 10,000 for the preparation of a CSR strategy,
  • a short advertising film promoting CSR activities undertaken by the winners of the competition worth PLN 5000
  • the possibility of using the slogan “Responsible and Socially Sensitive Entrepreneur 2017” in correspondence and promotion,
  • promotion of a socially responsible company at the Final Gala

Applications are accepted until 4 December, 12.00 noon.

More information and documents can be found at the link http://pracodawcypomorza.pl/2017/11/10/przedsiebiorca-odpowiedzialny-i-wrazliwy-spolecznie-2017/

We cordially invite entrepreneurs and social economy entities from the metropolitan area.

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