
Smart Metropolis Congress on November 23-24

I cordially invite you to participate in the Smart Metropolis 2016 Congress, which will be held in Gdańsk on 23-24 November at AmberExpo. The event is organized in partnership with the Ministry of Development. The aim of the Smart Metropolis Congress is to create a discourse on metropolises and their role in the modern world.

The main theme of this year’s edition of the Congress will be ” Openness and Security” of European metropolises, which we will try to look at in various contexts. During the plenary sessions and panels, topics such as factors influencing the security of metropolitan areas, as well as the role of urban-rural connections in the sustainable development of regions and countries will be discussed. An attempt will be made to identify the threat to which metropolises are exposed and to consider the extent to which their prevention is needed. In this context, questions will not be omitted about the scope of tasks, the coordination of which on a metropolitan scale is conducive to, or even necessary, to ensure the broadly understood safety of residents.

Among the dozens of confirmed panelists, we will hear m.in. Rolf-Barnim Foth – responsible for the development of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region, Jose Ribeiro – member of the board of the Porto Metropolitan Area, Prof. Saskii Sassen co-creator of the most important international ranking of metropolises (GAWC), and Nicolas Beets – Special Plenipotentiary of the Netherlands for (the Netherlands reformed its largest metropolitan areas in 2015 and in 2016 led to the adoption of the Pact of Amsterdam as part of the EU’s new urban agenda).

Programme of the Congress


We cordially invite you!

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