
Spring Professional – a new recruitment company in Olivia Business Centre

After two years of preparations, in July this year, a new permanent recruitment company started its operations in Poland. It focuses on six industry specializations, and its consultants, in addition to deep knowledge of the specifics of individual industries and recruitment knowledge, break the mold in their search for specialists on the labor market. In addition, the company intends to benefit from the international experience of the Adecco Group, of which it is a part. In March this year. Spring Professional has joined the group of residents of the prestigious Olivia Business Centre in Gdańsk.

– We are experts in connecting specialists with professionals. After a year of operation, we have already developed three specializations: Engineering, Finance and Sales and Marketing, which are a response to the needs of our Pomeranian market. Our clients include production and commercial plants, design studios, BPO and SSC service centers. Our clients include investors who are just starting their investment in our province, as well as start-ups. We focus on highly specialized positions that require complex competencies that require us to undertake unconventional recruitment activities – said Marzena Miler-Kosewska, manager at Spring Professional Poland.

The job market is changing a lot. This also applies to recruitment services and HR solutions. Spring Professional consultants, in addition to recruitment experience and sales-orientedness, also have industry specialization. It is a model developed by the company’s branches around the world. Spring Professional Poland currently focuses on six specializations in Poland: finance, sales and marketing, engineering, real estate and construction, logistics and pharmacy. An additional market differentiator, which is the company’s competitive advantage, is the creativity of consultants and their ability to think outside the box in search of job candidates. Currently, the company has dedicated offices in five cities: Warsaw, Katowice, Poznań, Wrocław and Gdańsk.

The assumption of Olivia Business Centre is to make it as easy as possible for companies present in our business space to operate and develop on an ongoing basis. For this, you need m.in. qualified managers who manage processes and control the work of teams. Hiring the right person for a managerial position involves conducting specialized recruitment. We are convinced that Spring Professional will be a valuable support for our Residents in this area – said Agnieszka Zglinicka, Project Director at Olivia Business Centre.

Spring Professional Poland is part of the Adecco Group. Worldwide, the first Spring Professional branches were established in Hong Kong and Singapore in 2013. Currently, there are 16 of them, including Poland. By 2018, the company announces 29 branches around the world. Last year, Spring recruited more than 36,000 for its clients. Professionals.

From the very beginning, one of the main assumptions of Olivia Business Centre in Gdańsk was diversity and multifunctionality, including m.in. supporting residents in recruitment processes. Currently, in this largest Tri-City business center, there are a total of 10 entities (commercial and self-government) specializing in Human Resources. They cooperate with global corporations, companies from the SME sector, start-ups, local government and non-governmental organizations – including over 100 enterprises and institutions located in Olivia Business Centre.

For more information, please contact:

Krzysztof Zajkowski, Spring Professional Poland, phone: 22 376 09 28, krzysztof.zajkowski@springpoland.com

Adam Sanocki, Attention Marketing, tel: 605 561 861, a.sanocki@attentionmarketing.pl

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