
Startup Eve – summary of successes

On 12 December, the third edition of Startup Eve took place at O4 – an annual meeting of entrepreneurs, representatives of public administration, science and institutions supporting the development of Pomeranian startups. Numerous guests, representing the Marshal’s Office and the Gdańsk City Hall, technology parks, incubators, organizations supporting innovations, investors and innovators, spent a lot of time talking about the past, present and future.

TSuch meetings are very much needed. The idea itself came from the fact that there is always not enough time to sit down together and think about what can be done together – says Marcin Kowalik, President of the co-organizer of the Black Pearls VC meeting – It’s normal for us to compete and race against each other. But we also cooperate, and this meeting is a summary of this good, local spirit.

The meeting began with the screening of a film summary of local successes. Awards, money, projects, support programs, customers, jobs – it was nice to hear the positive stories of the past year coming from the screen. Among the guests invited to the film were representatives of Gdańsk and Gdynia, startups and Interizon, conference organizers and investors.

We invite you to watch and congratulate you on so many successes!


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