
SWPS University’s Psyche Zone in cooperation with Olivia Business Centre

Scientists, people with passion will talk about psychology in everyday life, without censorship, openly on various topics. Already This Thursday, April 27, at 17:30 the first meeting – in the O4 coworking space – as part of the Psyche Zone project of SWPS University in Sopot. Mateusz Banaszkiewicz, health psychologist, HR consultant, lecturer at SWPS University, will talk about whether the stress that accompanies us on a daily basis and how to use it effectively. Free lectures and workshops, popularizing psychological knowledge, will be held in Olivia Business Centre every month.

How to take part in the next one?

All you need to do is send an email to events@oliviacentre.com

“We are pleased to start cooperation with SWPS University. We decided that we would deal with our worst enemy, stress, first. But is it really? Can’t we make him an ally? We will learn everything during the first lecture at the Olivia Business Centre carried out as part of the Psyche Zone, a project of SWPS University popularizing knowledge in the field of psychology – says Monika Bogdanowicz from Olivia Business Centre – During the next meetings, we will discuss topics related to family, tolerance, love, self-acceptance and development. It’s sure to be inspiring.

– As part of the Psyche Zone, for 8 years we have been showing the practical application of psychological knowledge, both in the spheres obvious for this field of science (e.g. helping, therapeutic), as well as in the business sector and advanced, modern technologies. We are glad that more and more representatives of companies and business centres support us – the academic community in popularising science – emphasizes Kinga Nowacka, Marketing Director at SWPS University.

Psyche Zone in OBC. Stress. Friend or foe?

Feeling stressed is everyone’s experience and sometimes we have to act effectively under time pressure. It happens that it mobilizes, other times, excessive, causes negative effects on well-being and health. Can we infect others with stress? Does it harm our effectiveness at work? What can be done to improve our effectiveness? You will be able to get answers to these and other questions during a lecture by Mateusz Banaszkiewicz on 27 April at Olivia Business Centre. We will find out:

  • What way of experiencing stress is beneficial for health?
  • When, fearing tension, people cause it even more?
  • What can we do to improve our efficiency and job satisfaction?
  • What “relationship” with stress is conducive to coping?
  • Should we be afraid of “infecting” other people with stress?

Date and place

27 April, 17.30-19.00
Olivia Business Centre
Olivia Four, Coworking O4
Al. Grunwaldzka 472B, Gdansk



258 Mateusz Banaszkiewicz

Mateusz Banaszkiewicz

Health psychologist, HR consultant, lecturer at SWPS University. PhD student of Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies at SWPS University and participant of the Motivational Dialogue Study at the Polish Society for Motivational Therapy. She works with various age and professional groups m.in. doctors, employees of large organizations, teachers, students and pupils. As part of pro-health programs for companies, he conducts lectures and workshops on coping with stress, willpower, changing habits and others (www.workandwellness.pl). He is responsible for the assessment of psychosocial status and support for post-traumatic patients, and also conducts academic classes at the Faculty of Psychology at SWPS University, mainly in the area of stress management, development of willpower and a healthy lifestyle.

SWPS University is a modern university based on lasting values. It owes its strong position to the combination of high-quality didactics with scientific research that meets global standards. The university offers practical study programmes in psychology, law, management, sociology, philology and cultural studies adapted to the requirements of the changing labour market in five cities: Warsaw, Wrocław, Sopot, Poznań and Katowice. Currently, SWPS University educates over 15,000 people. Students. A tradition of the University is a series of open scientific, popular science and cultural events. Frequent guests of the university are world-renowned scientists, well-known artists and representatives of the media world. As one of the best psychological centres in the country, SWPS University popularises psychological knowledge by implementing the
Zone and
Parent Zone
projects and supports young people by conducting free psychological, sexological and general development workshops called
Youth Zone
in high schools throughout the country.

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