
The Lewiatan Confederation invites: “Innovation – Financing – Development – Business Voice 2016”

For many Polish companies, conducting innovative activities is often not only a way to gain an advantage over the competition and gain a leading position, but also a necessary condition for staying on the market. That’s why more and more companies are innovating. In order to build a stable position of the company on the market and increase its value, it is necessary to introduce innovative technologies and expand sales markets, both in Poland and abroad. To do this, you need to invest, and this requires finding the right source of financing. Capital market institutions offer new opportunities in this area that you can take advantage of, and it is certainly worth knowing about them.

During the four-hour conference, to which we cordially invite you to participate, we will present ways to solve the above problem. We have prepared two substantively related thematic blocks:

  • morning – we will present three complementary financial instruments, including: a technological loan for innovative technologies under the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 and other instruments for financing EU projects, we will offer the services of Business Angel/Business Angels funds to start-up companies. In this part of the conference, we have also planned the participation of a representative of the management board of a well-known local company, who will share his experience in using one of the financial instruments proposed above;
  • Southern – we are planning three interactive workshops, during which the lecturers will discuss in detail the methods of financing investments presented in the morning block. All workshops will be of a practical nature and will include a presentation of selected regional case studies.

The conference is led by high-class experts and practitioners with many years of experience. The meeting is dedicated to entrepreneurs looking for various sources of financial support for planned investments.

The conference is organized in cooperation with our regional associations: the Pomeranian Employers’ Association Lewiatan and the Pomeranian Employers’ Association.

We cordially invite you to participate!


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