
Together we can do more, that is Olivia and the Lechia Gdańsk Foundation together for the benefit of children from Pomerania!

Together with the Lechia Gdańsk Foundation, we are helping children from towns affected by the August storm in Pomerania:) Thirty students of grades III-VII from schools in Silo and Pawłów met with Lechia Gdańsk footballers, visited the Energa Gdańsk Stadium and our Olivia business center.

We have another edition of our campaign to help the victims of storms in Pomerania “Together we can do more” – this time we are cooperating with our new resident, the Lechia Gdańsk Foundation. Together, we invited children from schools in Silo and Pawłów to Gdańsk. Thirty students from grades III-VII took part in the m.in on Thursday. in the training of Lechia’s players at the stadium at ul. Traugutta, met there not only with the players, but also with the coaching staff.

“This is an extremely exciting event for our pupils. Olivia Business Centre has been in touch with us from the very beginning, helping us in every situation we have signalled. Employees Recently, for example, the Centre’s companies have donated school starter kits. Now, the Lechia Gdańsk Foundation, which cooperates with Olivia, has proposed that children from the most affected families take part in a meeting with athletes – says Bernadeta Zimnicka, Director of the Municipal Education Complex in the Municipality of Chojnice. – I am very impressed by the openness of the Club and the Lechia Foundation, which invited our pupils to the training of the players and organized a visit to the Energa Gdańsk Stadium. There was a lot of joy. It’s a wonderful gesture. –Adds.

The children’s visit to the Energa Gdańsk Stadium was possible thanks to the cooperation of the Lechia Gdańsk Foundation with Arena Gdańsk Operator Sp. Ltd.

– The Lechia Gdańsk Foundation was established to provide help. Sometimes it is material support, other times it is financial. Sometimes, however, it is also necessary to focus on, it would seem, a smaller form of support, but in a very important aspect of life; In this case, the idea was to bring smiles to the faces of children who experienced the very unpleasant consequences of the August storms. Together with Olivia Business Centre, we wanted this time spent on the pitch with the footballers to charge these children with energy, encourage and inspire them. The joy on the faces of these young people makes me aware that what we do is of great value. – said Janusz Biesiada, President of the Lechia Gdańsk Foundation.

Thursday’s meeting with the White-Greens – the children were welcomed by m.in. Sebastian Mila, Milos Krasic and Dusan Kuciak these were only some of the attractions. From Traugutt, the children went to the Energa stadium, where, under the care of a guide, they visited all the nooks and crannies of the facility where Lechia’s players play their home matches. Then the participants of the tour visited Olivia, where refreshments awaited them.

See the report on Lechia Gdańsk’s profile:)

– No change can be made without the direct involvement of specific people. At Olivia, we try to motivate the companies or organizations present in our company, but also the people who create them, to work together – summed up Monika Bogdanowicz from Olivia Business Centre, responsible m.in for CSR projects in Olivia. – We are committed to ideas and initiatives that go beyond business and serve m.in. supporting local communities. So far, m.in have joined in helping the victims in Pomerania. employees of Energi, Fujifilm and Staples. Now we are partnered by the Lechia Gdańsk Foundation. We believe that this first of our joint actions will give us all an impulse to build even closer relations –Adds.

Photo gallery on Lechia Gdańsk profile


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