
With passion, always a smile on your face. About a boy who wants to do more

Searching, but also constantly developing passions is an extremely important topic in the life of each of us. By being guided by passion, we manage to live a fuller, wiser and certainly more interesting life. However, in order to have the effects of such actions, you need to start well, preferably as early as possible. We would like to tell you about a boy whose activity touched us so much that we decided to introduce him to our entire Olivia Business Centre community.

This story begins many months ago, when we met a 13-year-old boy among the audience of Olivia Camerata chamber music concerts. He found information about the possibility of taking part in this event, registered his participation in it by e-mail (now it is much easier :)) and… appeared at a performance at Olivia Sky Club. Seemingly an ordinary action, but nevertheless – taking into account the fact that information about Camerata concerts are distributed in selected places on the Internet, and our protagonist is 13 years old – we should appreciate both the fact of reaching them and the fact that finding the message in the right place (quite rarely visited by teenagers) and time allowed us to combine many elements;)

And this is how Mateusz Chaj (because he is the main character of this story) became a regular participant of events, meetings and conferences organized in Olivia Business Centre. As most of them are free to enter (although registration is required), there is no age limit. Thus, Mateusz took an active part in such projects as the meetings of the Olivia Cooltura series with Marek Kamiński and Maciej Kosycarz or the Jagiellonian Club, where the role and importance of cooperation between Gdańsk and the Scandinavian countries were discussed. What a vast and diverse spectrum of topics and activities, taking into account both the age of our protagonist and his basic activity, i.e. school activities. If we add to this the fact that he joined the OBC team and made kilometers for Gdańsk as part of the “Bicycle May” campaign, we have almost a full picture of Mateusz – an enthusiast of many dimensions.

We decided to recognize and highlight Mateusz’s exceptional commitment to the development of our community, also because we believe that proactivity is one of the most important qualities of anyone who wants to successfully shape their future. We are also very happy that Mateusz’s family accepted our invitation to Olivia Business Centre and we were able to get to know the boy better, for whom openness and curiosity about the world are a standard and who wants and is able to draw so boldly from the world around him (and at the same time travelled almost 560 kilometres for us):)

Here is what Mateusz said about Olivia Business Centre during our meeting: – I like this place. For a lot of interesting events in which I can participate. I started with classical music concerts, I also take part in meetings with famous people at the Sky Club. I’m always very curious about what they have to say, and Olivia Business Centre gives me the opportunity to even talk to them. Maybe one day I’ll work here. Besides, I expected Olivia Business Centre to be the best in terms of kilometres. And so we got a good result, I hope it will be even better next year He added with a smile.

We want Olivia Business Centre to be a friendly meeting place for many different environments and people. Therefore, we try to create optimal conditions for their personal and professional development and support them in creating new activities or developing their passions. Our events, meetings, conferences (several hundred a year!) are addressed not only to Olivia’s employees, but also to all residents of the Tri-City. Matthew’s example can certainly be an inspiration for all of us, all of us who are looking for ways and concepts on how to develop our potential and talents.

“It is extremely motivating for us that such a young man, now fourteen-year-old Mateusz, is already pinning his hopes for the future on Olivia. We don’t know how his life will turn out and what choices he will still make, but we have noticed and decided to appreciate his commitment today, passion, openness and constant willingness to learn. He is an extraordinary young man. Because Mateusz loves to ride a bike, he just received a bicycle from us. – says Monika Bogdanowicz from Olivia Business Centre, responsible m.in. for the CSR area in the company.

– We were invited to Olivia Business Centre with the whole family. It was a huge surprise for us! Mateusz has always been interested in many non-obvious topics and willingly took part in various, near and far, expeditions and trips. I’m glad that his passion for meeting interesting people and riding a bike has been noticed and awarded with such a beautiful gift. I think he will ride this bike with the conviction that it is worth doing more. For yourself and for others – adds Małgorzata Chaj, Mateusz’s mother.

See the photo gallery from this meeting:

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